Tuesday 12 April 2011

Setting up a Mushroom Farm - Factors to look for

What factors to look for while setting up a mushroom farm - 

  1. What kind of mushrooms should be grown? In market white button mushrooms come to mind when you talk of mushrooms. The oyster mushrooms too have a small niche. So, what is the point of talking of any other mushroom except white button mushroom.
  2. Location - For growing button mushrooms, temperature requirement of 16 degrees to 25 degree C is there,therefore whole of north India is suitable. One or two winter crops can be taken without cooling. Climate control would be much cheaper than rest of the country.
  3. Raw materials - Main raw material is straw of wheat ,found abundantly in upper part of India. Paddy straw can also be used but wheat straw is easy to use.Chicken manure from poultry farms is other ingredient to make mushroom compost.Ground water availability is another requirement.
  4. Market - Connectivity with big cities by road or railways is essential. Besides going to mandies, direct sellig to big stores is another growing option. Having a contract with a big food processing unit (canning or frozen) for part production is also lucrative.
  5. Electricity - Availability and tariff is another factor to be considered for a climate controlled mushroom farm with continuous production.
  6. Labour - Availability of local or migrant labour.
  7. Staff - Like any other business, personnal requirement should be considered. Hiring an experienced grower and a market strategy are important aspects.
  8. Other factors - Many states are giving subsidies to set up agri-based projects. Cold stores can be converted into mushroom growing units.

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